Lookbook: H&M Studio AW'14
H&M представил свою вторую подиумную коллекцию на неделе моды в Париже.
Остается полторы недели до старта продаж H&M Studio, намеченный на 4 сентября.
Вся коллекция сочетает в себе элементы женской и мужской одежды: поверх драпированный топов и платьев надеты мужские пиджаки, байкерские куртки и куртки-"пилот".
Эта коллекция будет представлена примерно в 260 магазинах по всему миру .
H & M presented his second podium collections at the fashion week in Paris.
Remains a half weeks before the start of sales of H & M Studio, scheduled for September 4th.
View collection combines elements of women's and men's clothes: draped over the tops and dresses have on men's jackets, biker jackets and Jackets "pilot".
This collection will be presented in about 260 stores worldwide.
Remains a half weeks before the start of sales of H & M Studio, scheduled for September 4th.
View collection combines elements of women's and men's clothes: draped over the tops and dresses have on men's jackets, biker jackets and Jackets "pilot".
This collection will be presented in about 260 stores worldwide.
XX Elen❤
Hello from Spain: I like the proposals for H & m. My favorite is the fur jacket. Great boots.Keep in touch
ОтветитьУдалитьcool collection!
Great colection!
ОтветитьУдалитьnice outfit!
ОтветитьУдалитьFollow for follow? It would be amazing !
Love these pictures! X
Hello, I loved your post today, it's fabulous, I was very interested